Patient Portal
Do you have your Patient Portal PIN number?
Yes! I have my PIN number.
Proceed to Login
By clicking “Access Portal”, below, you agree to the procedures and policies provided on our Privacy Practices page, linked here. You accept the risks and agree to the conditions of participation.
No, I need a PIN number.
Sign-up for the Patient Portal
If you have provided us with an email address at your visit and want to register for the Patient Portal, please follow the steps below:
Call our office at (816) 942-1150 any time after your first appointment. When the voice message welcomes you to Dermatology Specialists, please press “0” (zero). Tell them you want to create a Portal account. You will be given a secure, 4-digit PIN needed for your registration.
After receiving your PIN, you will receive an email from Intelichart at the email address you provided.
Click on the link in that email and follow the instructions to complete your registration.
Once you are registered, you can log into your Patient Portal by visiting this page. You can reach this page in the top navigation by going to the “Patients” tab and selecting “Patient Portal”.