Platelet-Rich Plasma


Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common problem for men and women who often experience it as a result of stress, hormonal changes and inflammatory conditions. Normally, one loses about 150 hairs per day. It might be time for an evaluation when you start to see more hair on the brush or in the shower drain when your ponytail is thinner or you can see a lot more of your scalp.

Here at Dermatology Specialists of Kansas City, we provide a comprehensive approach to the treatment of hair loss. It starts with finding the cause of the hair loss and making the proper diagnosis. This may include a scalp biopsy or blood work to rule out the various causes. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, a customized treatment plan is discussed to include external as well as internal remedies.

What is PRP?

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a high concentration of platelets surrounded by its own plasma. A small amount of blood is drawn and the platelet-rich plasma is isolated from the rest of the blood. This PRP is then used in the skin to help stimulate hair growth.

PRP can be part of the treatment plan. PRP is a procedure in which we draw a vial of your blood and use a centrifuge to harvest the concentrated plasma which contains nutrients and growth factors. This nutrient-rich plasma is then gently injected into the thinning areas of your scalp. This will then stimulate your follicles to grow hair. It can take 2-3 treatments about a month apart for new hair growth to be noticed.

  • PRP is immunologically neutral and poses no danger of allergic or foreign body reaction.

  • Everyone responds differently to the treatment.

  • There is no downtime.

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Call us at (816) 942-1150 or click below.

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The PRP Hair Restoration Process

There are certain components of your blood that have life-giving, protein growth factors and nutrients. Our PRP process utilizes a leading edge, patented technology that is specifically designed to separate different blood components. With a quick and simple process, we are able to produce a high concentration of biological, nutrient-rich cells and create platelet-rich plasma from your own blood sample.

How long does the procedure take?

It takes about 2-3 minutes to draw your blood. Separating the platelets in the plasma takes another 15 minutes. The injection of the PRP into the area usually takes about 5-10 minutes.

Patients can resume all normal activities the very next day.

Virtually no risk of allergy or rejection, as it uses the patient’s own blood.

How does the treatment feel?

The scalp injections are minimally uncomfortable when a topical ice pack is applied just prior to the session. Although many clinics don’t use any pain-reducing methods, we have found that the ice pack makes the injections much more comfortable. If you anticipate the need for any pain medication just prior to your session, discuss this with your provider prior to your treatment day so that you can plan for someone to drive you to and from the appointment.

What does it cost?

Each PRP treatment session will cost $800. Presently, the industry range is $800 to $1200/session. Those who pay for four treatments up front will receive one years’ worth of our Folliceuticals (two tablets/day) for free. It is recommended that Folliceuticals, a vitamin and mineral preparation that is specifically formulated to improve hair-growth potential, be taken in conjunction with your other hair-growth treatments.


Don’t let thinning hair get you down.
Do something about it.

Look younger and feel more confident.

Call us at (816) 942-1150